Homophones - (sound-alike)
- ail and ale; March 1, 2013 blog post
- base and bass; April 2, 2013 blog post
- beat and beet; February 4, 2013 blog post
- bee and be; June 10, 2012 blog post
- boar and bore; June 10, 2012 blog post
- bread and bred; August 25, 2012 blog post
- break and brake; August 25, 2012 blog post
- capitol and capital; June 2, 2012 blog post
- carrot and karat; May 12, 2012 blog post
- close and clothes; February 12, 2013 blog post
- course and coarse; May 12, 2012 blog post
- die and dye; March 1, 2013 blog post
- doe and dough; June 10, 2012 blog post
- ewe, you, and yew; June 10, 2012 blog post
- eye, aye, and I; March 19, 2013 blog post
- eye on and ion; April 2, 2013 blog post (probably isn't technically a homonym since eye on is two words, but I thought it sounded good!)
- flour and flower; August 25, 2012 blog post
- flu and flue; March 1, 2013 blog post
- fowl and foul; June 10, 2012 blog post
- gait and gate; May 12, 2012 blog post
- grate and great; May 19, 2012 blog post
- hare and hair; June 10, 2012 blog post
- hay and hey; May 12, 2012 blog post
- hear and here; March 19, 2013 blog post
- heir and air; May 6, 2012 blog post
- hoe and ho; August 25, 2012 blog post
- horse and hoarse; May 12, 2012 blog post
- knead and need; August 25, 2012 blog post
- lie (lay down) or lie (untruth) and lye; February 12, 2013 blog post
- light and lite; March 19, 2013 blog post
- lion and lying (if said with an accent); June 10, 2012 blog post
- maize and maze; August 25, 2012 blog post
- mane and main; May 12, 2012 blog post
- medal and meddle; April 2, 2013 blog post
- merry and marry; February 12, 2013 blog post
- might and mite; February 4, 2013 blog post
- neigh and nay; May 12, 2012 blog post
- not, naught, and knot; January 15, 2013 blog post
- or, ore, and oar; January 15, 2013 blog post
- pain and pane; March 1, 2013 blog post
- pale and pail; March 1, 2013 blog post
- pear, pair, and pare; May 19, 2012 blog post
- presence and presents; June 2, 2012 blog post
- principal and principle; June 2, 2012 blog post
- rack and wrack; March 1, 2013 blog post
- rays and raise; August 25, 2012 blog post
- rein, rain, and reign; May 12, 2012 blog post
- right and rite; May 6, 2012 blog post
- roll and role; August 25, 2012 blog post
- sack and sac; August 25, 2012 blog post
- scent, sent, and cent; February 12, 2013 blog post
- sick and sic; March 1, 2013 blog post
- sight, site, and cite; March 19, 2013 blog post
- sow, sew, and so; August 25, 2012 blog post
- steal and steel; April 2, 2013 blog post
- sun and son; August 25, 2012 blog post
- sweets and suites; May 19, 2012 blog post
- tail and tale; May 12, 2012 blog post
- team and teem; April 2, 2013 blog post
- threw, through, and thru; April 2, 2013 blog post
- thyme and time; May 19, 2012 blog post
- to, too, and two; January, 15 2013 blog post
- wade and weighed; February 12, 2013 blog post
- wait and weight; February 12, 2013 blog post
- weak and week; March 1, 2013 blog post
- whey, weigh, and way; May 19, 2012 blog post
- wine and whine; May 19, 2012 blog post
- wring and ring; February 4, 2013 blog post
- wrung and rung; February 4, 2013 blog post
Homographs - (spelled-alike)
- close (proximity) and close (shut); February 12, 2013 blog post
- closer (proximity) and closer (shut); February 12, 2013 blog post
- lead (to conduct) and lead (metal); May 6, 2012 blog post
- wind (winding river) and wind (breeze); May 25, 2012 blog post
- wound (injury) and wound (past tense of wind); May 25, 2012 blog post
Both - (sound-alike and spelled-alike)
- bat (baseball) and bat (animal); April 2, 2013 blog post
- batter (baseball) and batter (dough); April 2, 2013 blog post
- bear (carry; support) and bear (animal); May 6, 2012 blog post
- bee (insect) and bee (social gathering); January 15, 2013 blog post
- bunt (baseball) and bunt (nautical); April 2, 2013 blog post
- diamond (ball park) and diamond (gemstone); April 2, 2013 blog post
- ear (body part) and ear (of corn); March 19, 2013 blog post
- gay (happy) and gay (homosexual); February 12, 2013 blog post
- lie (lay down) and lie (untruth); February 12, 2013 blog post
- might (perhaps) and might (strong); February 4, 2013 blog post
- miss (no contact) and miss (unmarried woman); April 2, 2013 blog post
- park (place to play) and park (a car); April 2, 2013
- pissed (mad) and pissed (drunk); February 4, 2013 blog post
- pitcher (baseball position) and pitcher (container); April 2, 2013 blog post
- punch (hit) and punch (beverage); February 4, 2013 blog post
- right (human rights) and right (correct); May 6, 2012 blog post
- rose (flower) and rose (rise); February 12, 2013 blog post
- sic (attack) and sic (for verbatim quotes); March 1, 2013 blog post
- tie (equal scores) and tie (necktie); April 2, 2013 blog post
- tire (exhausted) and tire (wheel); March 1, 2013 blog post