It happens -- someone says or does something that just gets you extremely pissed! Then you play some scenarios in your head about what you might do to this person. You may, for example, want to choke the crap out of them by wringing their neck. And after you’ve wrung their neck, you just might feel like breaking their face with your fist as you punch and beat them repeatedly! (Or so I’ve seen in numerous action movies...)
Which brings me to my list of homonyms for the week:
pissed -- angry or annoyed.
pissed -- drunk; intoxicated.
might -- simple past tense of may: They might be at the station.
might -- physical strength: He swung with all his might.
mite -- any of numerous small to microscopic arachnids of the subclass Acari, including species that are parasitic on animals and plants or that feed on decaying matter and stored foods.
wring -- to twist forcibly: He wrung the chicken's neck.
ring -- a typically circular band of metal or other durable material, especially one of golf or other precious metal, often set with gems, for wearing on the finger as an ornament, a token of betrothal or marriage, etc.
wrung -- past tense of wring.
rung -- one of the crosspieces, usually rounded, forming the steps of a ladder.
break -- to smash, split, or divide into parts violently; reduce to pieces or fragments: He broke a bone.
brake -- a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle or other moving mechanism by the absorption or transfer of the energy of momentum, usually by means of friction.
punch -- a tursting blow, especially with the fist.
punch -- any mixed drink containing fruit juice and, usually, alcoholic liquor, generally hot and spiced.
beat -- to strike violently or forcefully and repeatedly.
beet -- any of various biennial plants belonging to the genus Beta, of the amaranth family, especially B. vulgaris, having a fleshy red or white root.
All definitions were obtained from