Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Follow-up to March 1, 2013 Post

Speaking of the end of the flu season and visits to your doctor:

Isn’t it amazing what doctors can find out just by shining a light in your eyes to check your sight, and in your ears to make sure an infection isn’t impairing your hearing.

light -- something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light.
lite -- an informal, simplified spelling of light, used especially in labeling or advertising commercial products: lite beer.

eye -- the organ of sight, in vertebrates typically one of a pair of spherical bodies contained in an orbit of the skull and in humans appearing externally as a dense, white, curved membrane, or sclera, surrounding a circular, colored portion, or iris, that is covered by a clear, curved membrane, or cornea, and in the center of which is an opening, or pupil, through which light passes to the retina.
aye -- an affirmative vote or voter, especially in British Parliament, corresponding to yea in U.S. Congress.
I -- the nominative singular pronoun, used by a speaker in referring to himself or herself.

sight -- the power or faculty of seeing; perception of objects by use of the eyes; vision.
site -- the position or location of a town, building, etc., especially as to its environment: the site of our summer cabin.
cite -- to quote (a passage, book, author, etc.), especially as an authority: He cited the constitution in his defense.

ear -- the organ of hearing and equilibrium in vertebrates, in humans consisting of an external ear that gathers sound vibrations, a middle ear in which the vibrations resonate against the tympanic membrane, and a fluid-filled internal ear that maintains balance and that conducts the tympanic vibrations to the auditory nerve, which transmits them as impulses to the brain.
ear (corn) -- the part of a cereal plan, as corn, wheat, etc., that contains the flowers and hence the fruit, grains, or kernels.

hear -- to perceive by the ear: Didn’t you hear the doorbell?
here -- in this place; in this spot or locality (opposed to there): Put the pen here.

All definitions were obtained from www.dictionary.com.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The End of Flu Season!

Now that we’re into March, the flu season should be wrapping up -- thank goodness! If you got sick this season, I hope you went in for a doctor visit to figure out what was ailing you. Maybe you were looking a little pale and coughing; maybe you felt tired and weak; maybe you were racked with pain and felt like you were going to die. Whatever your symptoms, I hope you’re feeling better now.

Wishing you and yours a healthy rest of the year!

flu -- a specific variety of influenza, usually named for its point of dissemination or its animal vector: Hong Kong flu; swine flu.
flue -- a passage or duct for smoke in a chimney.

sick -- afflicted with ill health or disease; ailing.
sic -- to attack (used especially in commanding a doc): Sic ‘em!
sic --  so; thus; usually written parenthetically to denote that a word, phrase, passage, etc., that may appear strange or incorrect has been written intentionally or has been quoted verbatim: He signed his name as e. e. cummings (sic).

ail -- to be unwell; feel pain; be ill: He’s been ailing for some time.
ale -- a malt beverage, darker, heavier, and more bitter than beer, containing about 6 percent alcohol by volume.

pale -- lacking intensity of color; colorless or whitish: a pale complexion.
pail -- bucket.

tire -- to have the strength reduced or exhausted, as by labor or exertion; become fatigued; be sleepy.
tire -- a ring or band of rubber, either solid or hollow and inflated, or of metal, placed over the rim of a wheel to provide traction, resistance to wear, or other desirable properties.

weak -- not strong; liable to yield, break, or collapse under pressure or strain; fragile; frail: a weak fortress; a weak spot in armor.
week -- a period of seven successive days, usually understood as beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday.

rack -- to torture; distress acutely; torment: His body was racked with pain.
wrack -- damage or destruction: wrack and ruin. Also, seaweed or other vegetation cast on the shore.

pain -- physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc.
pane -- one of the divisions of a window or the like, consisting of a single plate of glass in a frame.

die -- to cease to live; undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions; become dead.
dye -- a coloring material or matter.

All definitions were obtained from www.dictionary.com.