- go the traditional route with roses and chocolates -- the scent and taste of these is an aphrodisiac,
- shake things up with a nighttime wade on the beach (if you have a beach nearby),
- let your lover relax and lie around with you wait on them with breakfast in bed,
- spend some time being close together, or
- propose on bended knee with a simple “Will you marry me?”
Whatever you choose, I hope you all have an excellent day!
gay -- having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.
gay -- of, pertaining to, or exhibiting sexual desire or behavior director toward a person or persons of one's own sex; homosexual: a gay couple.
merry -- full of cheerfulness or gaiety; joyous in disposition or spirit: a merry little man.
marry -- to take in marriage: After dating for five years, I finally asked her to marry me.
rose -- any of the wild or cultivated, usually prickly-stemmed, pinnate-leaved, showy-flowered shrubs o the genus Rosa.
rose -- simple past tense of rise.
scent -- a distinctive odor, especially when agreeable: the scent of roses.
sent -- simple past tense and part participle of send.
cent -- a bronze coin of the U.S., the 100th part of a U.S. dollar: made of steel during part of 1943.
wade -- to walk in water, when partially immersed: He wasn't swimming, he was wading
weighed -- simple past tense of weigh.
lie -- to be in a horizontal, recumbent, or prostrate position, as on a bed or the ground; recline.
lie -- a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
lye -- a highly concentrated, aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide.
wait -- to supply the wants of a person, as serving a meal or serving a customer in a store.
weight -- the amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount a thing weighs.
close (proximity) -- being in or having proximity in space or time: The barn is so close to the house that you can hear the animals. His birthday is in May, close to mine.
close (shut the door) -- to put (something) in a position to obstruct an entrance, opening, etc.; shut.
close (shut) -- to put (something) in a position to obstruct an entrance, opening, etc.; shut.
clothes -- garments for the body; articles of dress; wearing apparel.
closer -- being in or having proximity in space or time: Come closer to me.
closer -- a person or thing that closes.
All definitions were obtained from www.dictionary.com.